How Can Process Transformation Improve Business Productivity

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Altering your current process from a traditional approach to a more automated process can help improve business productivity. To elaborate on this sentence, not only will business transformation lead to a more productive and efficient workflow, but also help retain customers, and improve efficiency with suppliers and vendors.

What is Process Transformation?

Transformation of the process reflects a change in the current process management by changing certain elements to achieve the new business goals. In general, this process will involve a switch from a manual to a more reliable automated or a digital process.

Types of Process Transformation for Businesses?

  • Organizational Transformation – This rotates around the general design of the business. It centers on a re-engineering of the company’s operations to increase productivity and profits.
  • Cultural Transformation – Here the transformation requires a change in the current way the company is run when it comes to changing the mindset of the employees and work structure for a better output.
  • Management Transformation – This process is similar to culture but more in terms of how the work is delegated through a more approachable and efficient method.
  • Digital Transformation – Today’s world calls for a digital presence, if not, you will just miss out on golden opportunities to improve your business. Digital automation also reduces unwanted workflow, resource costs, and repetitive tasks.
  • Information Systems Transformation – This process integrates your entire business with new technology. This also includes embracing a new management process and hiring that also up-scales and generates additional revenue.

It is also important to remember that modernizing the process is only one mentioned positive outcome, one must remember your business can also transform its structure to perform more accurately, cost-effectively, and quicker. Process transformation floats the idea of reducing manual labor burden and allows employees to focus on a more skilled task without repetitions or paperwork administration.

Process transformation also reduces the chance of errors, with a quicker approach and upkeep of data that can be reported, monitored, or observed within seconds. Organizations can not only improve efficiency in the business but also in terms of customer touch points boosting customer satisfaction.

What are the steps for the transformation process that one must follow?

  1. Define objectives
    Understand what your stakeholder’s objectives are. The reason you wish to change the current process. The goals you hope to achieve.
  2. Select metrics and milestones
    When reaching a goal you need to measure your progress and observe if it is working. This will enable you to make changes and improvise on goals that are a lot easier to change at milestone points. The metrics will also help measure cost and time parameters.
  3. Measure KPI parameters
    One can measure your KPI (Key performance indicators) associated with effectiveness, capacity, profitability, quality, and value.
  4. Model new transformation
    Mapping out and monitoring your transformation will help identify every stage and calculate resources as and when you need them. Modeling your process can help your stakeholders understand the transformation and help employees adapt to change.
  5. Automation
    Getting automation transformation through digitalization can help you streamline your process. Going paperless will also help get rid of physical tasks and speed up the process making it easy to get end results. This will also help to prepare audits, data processing, record keeping, and reports rapidly.
  6. Testing
    Re-engineering does not come without its trials. Based on the ever-changing world certain strategies and technologies need to be tested and then make changes. Testing is also important before an entire process changes. Whether on a small scale or running a parallel process before an entire change you need to make sure everything works.
  7. Scaling Up 
    Once the process change shows a successful outcome you can now simply scale up the new process.

When does process transformation fail?

  • When the model is not aligned with the process/objectives
  • When the process change is not accepted by the management
  • When business consultants incorporate the wrong technology/process
  • Lack of resources or stakeholders’ support
  • Unachievable goals

This is why, adopting a good business consultant or process transformation service specialist to help in your business transformation process matters.

Benefits of business process transformation

  • Improved efficiency
  • Boosted productivity
  • Expansion of business growth and profits
  • Business automation and accuracy
  • Sustainability and resource conservation
  • Paperless

Your business deserves a chance to succeed against your competitors. Having an automated process can help avoid bottlenecks and also enable you to get the best results to maximize profits and grow your business. For a free discussion on your project to improve your business profits and productivity, you can reach us at