Server Management

You handle your business while we handle your servers

Stratton Blue offers server support and management to ensure smooth operation, security, and performance of servers for your IT infrastructure.
Facing Downtime or Security Breaches?


If you lack the expertise or resources to manage your servers effectively, consider outsourcing your server management to us or we can help you set up the IT server infrastructure in managed hosting solutions so you can focus on your core business activities.
Our server management includes setting up your operating systems, applications, network settings, and security features. Monitoring and performance optimization to identify performance bottlenecks. We can help with cyber threat protection withalerts in real-time. We know how to safely back up and recover your data with servers that have the necessary server memory, and storage handle to manage workload.

Your data is in safe hands when we are in control

What we offer

Server Setup And Deployment

We offer the setup and the initial configuration and installation of server hardware and software. It includes setting up the operating system, applications, network settings, and security features

Server Installation & Monitoring

  • We will handle all the installations and once the setup is done monitor your servers
  • We will handle the server health, response times, and overall system performance. This also involves tuning server settings and resources to ensure efficient operations

Security Management

  • Protecting servers from cyber threats is crucial and we take cyber security very serious
  • We implement security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, regular security updates, and vulnerability assessments to safeguard against unauthorized access and attacks

Backup and Disaster Recovery

  • Regular data backups are essential to prevent data loss in the case of any failure or accidental loss of data
  • We adopt a comprehensive disaster recovery plan to ensure the ability to restore systems and data to a functional state quickly. We ensure that your data is well backed up on a regular basis

User Management and Access Control

  • Our technical team will administer your user accounts, permissions, and access rights
  • We can successfully ensure that only authorized personnel can access specific resources and data. We also manage, remove or grant access that can remotely be deactivated or activated for any employee