Customer Experience Design

Designing positive and meaningful interactions between a company and its customers

Our goal is to enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, ultimately leading to increased revenue and business growth for you. We do this by identifying customers’ persona, journey mapping, gaining customer feedback, and creating user experience.
Understanding your audience


It is estimated that 90% of dissatisfied customers never bother to complain directly.
34% of such customers would then go online, as research shows,trumpeting about their poor experience resulting in disrepute and business loss to the brand. The Importance of Customer Experience (CX) management to any organisation should be analysed against this backdrop.

We play a crucial role in helping businesses create and deliver exceptional customer experiences

Strategic Design

Competitive Advantage

We incorporate a well-designed customer experience structure that observes how your competitors play on the chords of your customers and find ways to design your user experience and make it better. This is so we can create unique experiences that resonate with customers, fostering loyalty and advocacy

CX Audit

  • Customer Experience or (CX) audit is a thorough assessment of your business target buyers’ interactions with a perception of your brand
  • It deems all the key ‘touchpoints’ during the customers’ journey mapping and all interactions after the sale of the product such as reviews and more purchases

CX Design (Online + Offline) & User Empathy Mapping

  • We analyze your brand presence which tracks the customers’ feelings and involvement and the overall value
  • We employ empathy mapping to further sweeten the interaction with a customer and the brand to help retained and if new, convert. Here we can enable the brand to be more customer oriented

CX Design - CX Map & Journey Map

  • We place ourselves in the customer’s shoes and understand what you as a customer would expect and apply the same
  • By concentrating on the entire end-to-end voyage the customer takes:- Create Buyer Personas- Select Target Customer – List Touchpoints -Identify Actions – Understand Your Resources – Analyzing Customer Journey – Take Action

CX Design - Service Blueprint

  • Service blueprints are often mentioned as a blueprint or act as a counterpart to the customer journey map
  • We take a look at the business under a magnifier observing customer action, and supplying a holistic perspective into how an experience will be implemented and later utilized by customers